Busque por nombre para ver su información de registro, historia de votación, una boleta de ausente o hacer cambios a su registro. *=Required Field
Busque por dirección para ver su lugar de votación, ver que va a estar en su boleto, encontrar su próxima elección o aprender mas del voto ausente. *=Required Field
Because you are inactive, you cannot request an absentee ballot until you register to vote. Submit a new voter registration using the button below.
Registrarse para votar
¿Cuánto tiempo debe tomar para recibir o devolver mi papeleta?
You may download and print your ballot now, or you can come back and download your ballot at a later time.
You must have a printer available at the time you access your absentee ballot. You will be required to print your completed absentee ballot and an absentee certification. You must then mail your completed ballot and certification to your municipal clerk.
If you choose to access your ballot at a later date, you will visit this webpage, click on military and overseas voters, search for your name and date of birth, and then click "view my request."
You must have a printer available at the time you access your absentee ballot. You will be required to print your completed absentee ballot and an absentee certificate. You must then mail your completed ballot and certificate to your municipal clerk.
Before you can access your online ballot, please verify the last four digits of your Social Security Number(SSN) provided when you submitted your application.
You still must print your ballot, complete and print the absentee certificate and mail your completed ballot and certificate.You will need the following to vote absentee online:
One adult must witness you mark your ballot and sign and date the certificate.
You will need to print your ballot and a certificate, sign the certificate and mail both the ballot and the certificate. You must print your ballot. You may mark it manually. No information is saved on the website. Your selections will not be saved if you do not print the form after you've completed it.
You will need a small envelope to place your marked ballot in and a larger envelope with the maeked ballot and the completed certificate inside.
This is your absentee ballot. You may mark your ballot here on the webpage and then press “Download and Print Ballot” to continue. Or you may leave the ballot blank and press “Download and Print Ballot” where you will print the ballot and can then mark your ballot with a pen or pencil. This website will not store any information on who you vote for. Detailed instructions on how to return your ballot, including mailing address and instructions will print along with your ballot.
You must download, print and mail your absentee ballot in order for it to be counted. You and a witness must also sign the certification that will print with your ballot. Click download and then print your ballot now.
You're not eligible to get your ballot online.
This election is not available for online voting.
This election is not a federal election.
This election is not within the deadline to vote online.
Number of ballot tries have been exceeded.
Lo sentimos. We are unable to process your ballot at this time. Please contact your municipal clerk.
We don't know who you are. You must first search for your voter information.
Voter Information Search
You have not made a selection in one or more contests. You may still mark your paper ballot after you have printed it. Please choose if you would like to continue, without making a selection or if you would like to return to your online ballot.
By clicking yes your ballot will be generated and will count against your total number. You are allowed 3 per election and only 1 will count. Do you want to continue?
We are sorry, we are unable to generate your ballot at this time. Please use the Contact Us button at the bottom of the page to let us know.
Busque su secretario municipal ingresando su nombre o dirección
Buscar mi secretario
MyVote is available in both English and Spanish. Please select your prefered language. MyVote está disponible en Inglés y Español. Por favor seleccione su idioma preferido.
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Please click the button below if you want to continue.